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My Story

When Life Changes in a Moment, Hang On!

Joyce turned her life challenges into successes.  Growing up in an abusive, neglected household, she learned how to fend for herself and be resourceful.  This inspirational story is about Joyce's journey that began with the most important people in her life, her grandparents.  They taught her powerful life lessons of determination, goal setting, and resilience, which became her guiding principles.  Joyce's grandfather shared many excellent sayings with her and one that always drove her work ethic was, "If you're going to take the time to do something, do it right the first time so you won't have to do it over."  

As you read this story, you will discover how Joyce overcame the obstacle of becoming a widow at 23 years old, managing her own business, then entering the corporate world to support her family after her second husband's near death accident.  Failure was not an option and her mantra was, "Where there's a will, there's a way!"

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